Tuesday, October 11, 2011

PBR 2 Valor Guard v. The Severed

 My second PBR. This one uses FUBAR rules, I'm not sure how anyone can do this type of report Oo the battlefield was 5ftx4ft Ended up not taking photos of the last few turns where it was mostly movement, some pictures may have been eaten by my phone, but overall it represents the entire battle.
This takes place roughly around the same time as the previous one.

Meanwhile down on earth....

The Valor Guard have discovered a power plant that The Severed have taken control of. They send in a few squads to force them out. The Severed have had little time to prepare for the assault, but have enough heavy weapons that it shouldn't matter.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

PBR 1 Ravens v. Energy Empire

My first Post Battle Report, using the FUBAR FPS rules found here
Sorry for the unpainted metal, I still don't have anything to finish the bases so I can't start painting -_-

The mighty Ravens, police force of the galaxy, have found a ship stolen by The Baron Fearless and his ruthless Energy Empire. They conclude it must be transporting stolen Monstar generator parts. The ship, once a VIP transport has a heavily armored hold so ship destruction is not enough. An elite boarding party heads inside...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Battle Reports Mini Blog

So this is an offshoot of my main blog, Feng's Project Log

This will contain battle reports from various miniature wargames.
Perhaps some pictures here and there, but mainly descriptions, so I can learn from my mistakes. XD